by Kevin Mullett | May 28, 2012 | big stuff, little stuff, marketing, skewed views, social, twitter, un-common sense, viral
Hey @twitter, #FreeMyTweets! We the tweople demand access to our old tweets. This isn’t about me, so craft your own message, augment it, write your own posts, whatever, just keep #FreeMyTweets in there and help me liberate our data!
by Kevin Mullett | Apr 26, 2012 | big stuff, fail, internet tools, little stuff, mobile, skewed views, un-common sense
When a Twitter follower asks if your account has been hacked it tends to grab your attention. This is what happened early this morning after I installed The Fancy.
by Kevin Mullett | Mar 26, 2012 | beta, fail, little stuff, marketing tools, skewed views, social, un-common sense
I am what you call a wreckless beta tester. I often put myself into harms way so that friends, clients, and seminar attendees don’t have to. I do have limits though. One of those limits is…
by Kevin Mullett | Mar 20, 2012 | big stuff, fail, little stuff, skewed views, social, un-common sense
A potential employer asking for your Facebook password is like asking for your age, religion, and sexual orientation all in one. Which last time I checked were considered discriminatory questions.
by Kevin Mullett | Jan 17, 2012 | big stuff, fail, little stuff, un-common sense
Stop SOPA and PIPA!
by Kevin Mullett | Aug 16, 2011 | internet tools, marketing, marketing tools, social, un-common sense
Online influence measurement and analytic services are all the range in this hyper social media aware age we find ourselves in, but should online influence be an exclusive club?