It’s no secret that I love Twitter chats.  I have had the pleasure of participating, standing in as a temporary host, and have even been a guest on many occasions. Why do I enjoy them? It’s the free exchange of information by professionals and otherwise fun people from around the world. Twitter chats remind me of the old IRC and forum days, and that is a good thing.

I figure these Twitter chat hosts deserve some recognition and kudos for their efforts, and I wanted to provide a way for you to connect with them. Here is the great part though, you can also add to the list. That’s right, I am helping test the closed beta version of’s new Twitter list functionality, so go ahead and suggest someone who runs a chat. [List additions are moderated. And I reserve the right to “keep it legit.”]

One more thing. You can sign up for Listly via this link to be considered for the closed beta/early access. » Listly Invite.
[listly id=”BC1″ layout=”full”]